Montage is a editing device to either condense time or expand time.
In this montage, a man and a woman dance the night away, but due to unknown reasons, the woman leave the man confused and sad. A mysterious stranger emerges and causes havoc for the lovers and thus ends in the death of both men.
Beauty is a controversial subject. It is up to the individual what they believe beauty is. In this modern day society, however, we believe that certain people and features are the epitome of what that complicated word is. This places young people, trying to figure themselves out, in a situation they shouldn't have to face. The youth believe they are not worth being called beautiful because they don't fit in a certain size, their hair texture isn't straight and voluminous, layered. Their faces are clear of imperfections, even if they do tell themselves that the pictures are 'fixed' in photoshop. The damage is already done.
With all this in mind, I set out to the internet to find a poem that spoke of beauty. I didn't want choose a poem about how the standards of beauty are a bit messed up. I wanted to find a poem that was feel good about who you are even if it isn't perfect. I found the website hitrecord, and found the gem that I made this spoken word to. In this poem read by Jaquita Jackson (my mom) called The poem encompasses everything that I was looking for and the video visually shows that beauty is everywhere.