This is a self portrait about my personality and how I am as a person. The footage contains my family, friends, shots of Kansas City, and First Fridays. The song is "Graceless" by The National.
In this video, we shone some light on the school's art department, which is gleamed over at my school. No one at my school has really seen the art that these talented students produce. This sunny promo highlights why others should join in the art department. The song is "The Only Place" by Best Coast.
We had a day to film and a day to edit. Coming up with an idea was difficult working in only an hour and a half. We didn't have dialogue, so it became a silent film or a music video. The student is struggling to finish a project, stressing out and figuring out what to do before their deadline. Ultimately, she finishes and gets feedback from her teacher, which seems positive. The world will never know. The song is "Flowers Bloom" by High Highs.
Almost There (2014)
Kansas City is a city known for a lot of qualities. However their music scene, while getting some light now and again, is ignored for the scenes on the coasts and around the world. The music produced in Kansas City is ready to take its first steps into breaking out into the world and break the mold of not being able to make it unless you're by the action. In Almost There, four local musicians talk about their careers in Kansas City and how this city has influenced them and there is hope that light will be shone on this beautiful city.
This is an ongoing project and will be added on more as time goes by.
This is an ongoing project and will be added on more as time goes by.
Film Reel (2013 - 2014)
This is a compilation of the work I did during the 2013-2014 school year. The song is "Rawnald Gregory Erickson the Second" by STRFKR.
Self Portrait (2014)
This video is mostly just a montage of clips that I thought represented me to the song "Claudia Lewis" by M83 since I thought that song really incorporated who I am as a person.
.i.am...you.are. (2014)
A short poem read by my mother. The poem is called .i.am...you.are. by DanielleSmyth (link provided below). The song is "Avalanche" by Blackbird Blackbird. More about this project here.
Overcoming Fear (2014)
This is my group's piece for the Olathe District's Martin Luther King Jr. Contest in the Multimedia section. This year's prompt was over Rosa Parks and how she overcame her fear, sitting in the white people's spot and thus changing the world.
Baseball Cards (2014)
Sort of a montage mix piece of leftover footage from filming Almost There.
Hot Dreams // Timber Timbre (2014)
In this montage, a man and a woman dance the night away, but due to unknown reasons, the woman leave the man confused and sad. A mysterious stranger emerges and causes havoc for the lovers and thus ends in the death of both men. More about this project here.
Angel Baby // Rosie and The Originals (2014)
Short montage video with two people dancing in love with each other.
White Winter Hymnal // Fleet Foxes (2014)
This is a part of my school's seasonal medley. The Astronomy Club chose this song. Join the Astronomy Club because they put stars in the sky. More about this project here.
Cola // Toro Y Moi (2015)
Personal favorite song on the album "Anything in Return" by Toro Y Moi.
The Prompt: What is the most interesting place in your town? Why is it significant to you and others? Focusing on unique and powerful cinematography and using voiceover to tell your story, share the most interesting place in your hometown.
Take Me Home (2015)
This video is for the All American High School Film Festival's monthly challenge. Using my documentary as the basis, home for the musicians is Kansas City. They can get there is a sense of community, knowing that with the city they are equal and that their city is growing and with that growth, will come prosperity. The voiceovers come from some of the musicians I interviewed for my upcoming reboot of Almost There. The Prompt: What is the most interesting place in your town? Why is it significant to you and others? Focusing on unique and powerful cinematography and using voiceover to tell your story, share the most interesting place in your hometown.
Astronomy Club (2015)
A commercial for Astronomy Club and to get future people/freshmen to join next year.
Senior Film Reel (2015)
The majority of the videos that I have done my senior year. The song is "Still Sound" by Toro Y Moi.
Almost There (2015)
Kansas City is a city known for a lot of qualities. However their music scene, while getting some light now and again, is ignored for the scenes on the coasts and around the world. The music produced in Kansas City is ready to take its first steps into breaking out into the world and break the mold of not being able to make it unless you're by the action. In Almost There, six local musicians talk about their careers in Kansas City and how this city has influenced them and there is hope that light will be shone on this beautiful city. This is the final draft of this project!
Atlas: 1:25
Bennett and Jack: 6:19
The Burdock King: 11:46
Your Friend: 16:34
King Reach: 21:11
Kansas City: 25:37
Information about the bands:
Atlas - http://useyouratlas.com/
Junkie SS - https://www.tumblr.com/tagged/junkie-s.s.
Hojo The Dragon - http://hojothedragon.bandcamp.com/
The Burdock King - http://theburdockking.bandcamp.com/
Your Friend - http://yourfriendtaryn.com/
King Reach - http://www.reverbnation.com/emceereach
PSA - Tale of Two Cities (2015)
This is a PSA about the Tale of Two Cities.
Title Music // Shankar Jaikishan (2015)
Short little clips from the past two First Fridays at The Bauer during the beginning of the sunset. Used a song from Wes Anderson's Darjeeling Limited and my friend Phoenixx as an actress.
Mind Drips // Neon Indian (2015)
Just a video I edited with a bunch of stock footage I found on the internet webs with different vhs effects. I used Ode To Viceroy by Mac DeMarco for inspiration.
Familiar Faces: Through the Eyes of a Box (2015)
Our intent in creating the video is to evoke the sublime using awkward tension and confrontations with the box and its surroundings. We used a back and forth technique to bring balance between solitude and the chaotic nature of city life. The use of "Mad World" by Gary Jules further enhances the loneliness of the box. We gained influence from Ferris Bueller's Day Off and Wes Anderson.
Bubble Box; Some Time Alone, Alone // Melody's Echo Chamber (2015)
The gesture of the box represents a calm Buddha like figure. The spoons’ reflective quality of light enhances the enlightened pose of the Buddha box. We chose the spoons because it’s mass produced and also because we appreciated the other clear spoon sculptures in the class because of the transparency. From the sheer number of spoons, it transcends just spoons. The song is "Some Time Alone, Alone" by Melody's Echo Chamber edited to be just instrumental. More about this project here.
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