Fear and The Horror Movies
When ever I think of horror movies, I think of the generic plot of a teenaged couple making out in a car and then some random convict or scary monster comes out and kills both. Most bad horror movies start out this way, well I'm assuming. I don't like horror movies. I don't like being scared. I personally do not like jump scares and stuff like that. After I watch a horror movie or anything that scary, I go to my mom's room and sleep with her.
But that's just one psychological reaction to horror movies.
Nofilmschool recently made a post about horror films and why we like them. There's so many reasons, but no one knows exactly why we like them. They thought that it stimulates our fear factor of our brain, except it doesn't. It hits up the problem solving parts and other non-fear parts. Also there are many theories for why we like them. I think that the unrealness of horror films also helps. After about six hours of paranoia, I remind myself that the nightmarish horror isn't real. It helps ease the fear. As long
I think the scariest horror has the be ones that can happen in real life. That's what some most horror films are based off of, with the mutated monsters and the fear of the atomic age, and the zombies now with the fear of a viral infection. Though those are unrealistic, it's a could be and that's scary.
I don't like horror either. Some might say it's because I'm a control freak...I like to know the end...then I have control over my emotions.