Asian Studies/Post Bac/Social Practice Symposium

I'm not really a fan of the symposiums that are in the middle of the day, because I forget about them until it's ten minutes before. They're only great before because the sandwiches are so delicious and sometimes the chips are good. And we also get cookies. Which is sweet.

The symposium was alright in general. Hearing about Chinese and Japanese art was interesting as it showed that the Chinese and Japanese artists are struggling with their identity and tradition as they adjust to the modern world. It would be an interesting certificate to get, but personally it seems odd to learn about Asian art from white people...

The Post-Baccalaureate part was interesting a bit to me because I had thought about being an art teacher and stuff but I don't like little kids that much (besides my little sister but even with her, I need breaks). But I could be a high school teacher, maybe. The holiday breaks sounded nice. It was also interesting to me because I knew Mrs. Robino from my high school, barely however from my freshman year.

The Social Practice part was a bit interesting too, but didn't catch my eye as much because it reminded me of what we've already seen with previous symposiums with artists wanting to say something with their art. This time however the artist uses the community compared to their reactions.

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