My Personality Type

Today in class we took Myers-Briggs Type Indicator® (MBTI®) and I got one of the rarest types of INFJ. INFJs are introverts that mostly go with their feelings and want to make the world basically a better place. They mostly put others before themselves and don't try to live up to their own potential.

My favorite popular INFJs
They are quite reserved and keep their personal details about themselves to them and their personal close friends, which aren't a lot because they don't socialize with others often, and they don't like to anyway. They like taking care of the human condition and seeing if people are okay and making them better. INFJs prefer to work independently without the strains of other people on their shoulders. The ideal work environment would be one that the INFJ could show off their creativity independently with the topic of their personal values. This type thinks before they speak. 

I think this personality fits me. I knew I was an introvert before and I think I put others before myself and that's not always a good thing, but I do anyway. INFJs stand by their morals and ethics and I know I do. You can ask my brother who has ideas that are on the opposite spectrum of mine. 
INFJ Personality Type

Knowing this helps a lot when it comes to understanding why sometimes I get really discouraged and unhappy with the present, but still look forward to a brighter future. It also gives more understanding on why sometimes I can't say everything about me just to anyone. I prefer to tell people who will stay close to me and have earned my trust. When I work with others, I prefer to keep everyone on task and motivated. I'm not really a strong leader because I'm quiet. I'd rather be the person who has the creative energy and vision and clears up any problems. I'd prefer to be in a group that takes time to consider. Fast paced groups that don't consider what could happen can make me feel alienated and not comfortable. When I'm not heard, I don't go out of my way to make myself heard. I just stay to myself and let it all fall apart. 

Most people think I don't like them because I don't talk to them, but it's mostly because I don't like just talking to random people. I prefer to warm up to people. That's not the case with my brother. We get along sometimes, but his personality is vastly different from mine. He likes to talk about controversial topics in order to change the way others think to think like him, but I refuse and mostly I don't want to talk about it all the time just at a drop of a hat. It irritates me, and him too, but he doesn't care and does it all the time. I've tried to explain to explain it to him, but I just come off as whining.

In doing this assignment, I learned more about myself and why I do certain things that might be weird to other people. And that I'm silent because I don't like to talk to people, not because I don't like people. I learned that just because a celebrity has the same personality type doesn't mean that you should end up like them. (I got Hitler and Bin Laden as my personality types.)

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